Softwood Logs Siberian Fir

Continent of Member: Europe Species: Siberian Fir Clear all
17th Year
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood importers
    • FSC ISO (9000 or 14001)
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
13th Year
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood exporters
Euroforest d.o.o is your reliable partner for sourcing and producing the Central European and West Balkan lumber. We are focused on sawn timber processing on our own and sourcing from over 100 different productions with our good quality control.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
10th Year
Trust rating
  • 501-1000 employees
  • Activities :
    Woodworking machinery manufacturers
With hard work and service, with all my heart Bring you the cause of prosperity
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
4th Year
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood importers
    • FSC
Tutte le procedure che caratterizzano la nostra attività (scelta, importazione, segagione, evaporazione, stoccaggio, essiccazione e logistica) vengono effettuate e seguite personalmente dalla Legnami Nicolis, mettendo a disposizione dei nostri clienti, italiani e stranieri, una consolidata professionalità nel settore, a garanzia di un servizio eccellente. Crediamo nel nostro futuro e in quello che facciamo, per questo puntiamo molto ad investire nella nostra azienda, adottando nuovi macchinari e avvalendosi di tecnologie al passo coi tempi, per consentirci di soddisfare al meglio una richiesta sempre più esigente.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
10th Year
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Logs exporter
We are a Belgian leading forest management company specialized in exporting European logs and lumber to clients worldwide
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
9th Year
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Sliced veneer producer
    • FSC
Acquistiamo la materia prima in tutto il mondo,collaudiamo le piante migliori, seguiamo la lavorazione con pazienza e esperienza, fino ad arrivare alla selezione del materiale ottenuto . Differenti sono le essenze, le qualità, gli spessori che produciamo e questo ci permette di collaborare con i nostri clienti dell’Italia, dell’Europa, del mondo .
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
12th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood pellets producers
    • ENplus
Energia per la Casa, Energia per l'Agricoltura.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
5th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Brokers/ traders
Brawood: i migliori legnami per l’industria e l’edilizia - un’agenzia di rappresentanza specializzata nella commercializzazione dei migliori legnami e semilavorati per l’industria e per l’edilizia.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
4th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Logs exporter
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
5th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Timber merchant
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
8th Year
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Brokers/ traders
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
1st Year
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
1st Year
Trust rating
  • 51-100 employees
  • Activities :
    Firewood producers
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
5th Year
Trust rating
  • 51-100 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
    • CE Structural wood CE
SAWMILL WITH LONG TRADITIONS since year 1986 - 35 years of experience, modern machinery - Istniejemy na rynku tartacznym od 1986 roku. Jesteśmy prężnie rozwijającą się firmą. Działamy na rynkach europejskich. Zapraszamy do kontaktu i współpracy.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
11th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood importers
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
12th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood exporters
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
11th Year
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood exporters
    • PEFC FSC
Logs and lumber from Europe to Asia
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
5th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Timber merchant
    • PEFC
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
3rd Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Brokers/ traders
Accompagnement export, domaine du bois en gros. Logs and lumbers trade support.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
8th Year
Trust rating
  • 101-200 employees
  • Activities :
    Pallet manufacturers
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
22nd Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
Scierie Résineux et Feuillus,production de biomasse, Maisons Ossatures bois, montage maison bois madrier, importateur maison en madrier de finlande
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
12th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood exporters
    • PEFC
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
7th Year
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
9th Year
Trust rating
  • 51-100 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood exporters
Boscus Canada Inc.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
5th Year
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Pallet manufacturers
    • EPAL
Grupa Palmix - lider w produkcji palet Grupa Palmix - leader in the production of pallets
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
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