Softwood Logs Austria

Country of Member: Austria Gold only Clear all
17th Year
Trust rating
  • 6-10 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood importers
    • PEFC
Trading wood in finest quality. Spezialist für Aussergewöhnliches
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
15th Year
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Lumber wholesale
    • PEFC ENplus
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
21st Year
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Hardwood sawmills
Der Weg zum Holz! Der erste Schritt ist, das Holz von dort zu holen, wo es wächst. Jeder Stamm wird sorgfältig ausgewählt, mit Bedacht zugeschnitten, bis zur Reife gelagert und vorsichtig getrocknet. Im letzten Schritt verwandelt sich das Holz zu ausgereiften Halbfertigprodukten. Wir gehen jeden Schritt am Weg zum Holz gemeinsam mit Ihnen. Und das nicht nur in Österreich. Auch in Polen, Tschechien und Litauen ist Frey-Amon als Holzgroßhandel und Holzverarbeiter das Bindeglied zwischen Forst und Verarbeitung.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
16th Year
Trust rating
  • 6-10 employees
  • Activities :
    Hardwood sawmills
    • PEFC
Säge- und Hobelwerk, Großhandel mit Holz aller Art, vorwiegend Holzexporte sowie Betrieb einer Holztrocknungsanlage.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
8th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Hardwood sawmills
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
14th Year
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
    • CE
Sägewerke gibt es viele, wir wollen mehr sein. Flexibler Dienstleister auf höchstem technischen Niveau. Holzlieferant mit höchster Kundenorientierung. Schnell, dynamisch, perfekt. Unsere Stammkunden schätzen uns vor allem für unsere Kompetenz in Sachen Holzverarbeitung. Wir holen das Beste aus der Gebirgslärche, in jeder Sonderdimension und mit perfektem Know How. Vom Kern bis zur Rinde. In allen Längen, roh oder gehobelt, als Kantholz oder Mast, als Fensterkantel oder Mini-Leimbinder. Hand aufs Holz.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
10th Year
Trust rating
  • 51-100 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
    • PEFC
VM HOLZ - timber from Austria! Ein Unternehmen, das nachhaltige, regionale Holzverarbeitung betreibt und hochwertige Rohstoffe für nationale und internationale Zielmärkte bereitstellt. Fest verwurzelt in der Region, doch mit internationaler Ausrichtung. VM-HOLZ steht für ehrliche, nachhaltige Qualitätsarbeit und innovative Technik. Hier trifft Tradition auf Innovation und regionale Wertschöpfung auf internationale Wertschätzung.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
11th Year
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood exporters
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
8th Year
Trust rating
  • 6-10 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
    • PEFC
Die Bruno Ruhdorfer GmbH ist ein international tätiges Holzhandelsunternehmen. Wir befassen uns mit dem Vertrieb von Holz und Holzprodukten für die industrielle Weiterverarbeitung und der Versorgung der Bauwirtschaft und holzverarbeitenden Betrieben. Am Stammsitz in Straßburg wird ein Hobelwerk mit angeschlossenem Detailverkauf für den regionalen Markt betrieben. Dem seit 1930 bestehenden Familienunternehmen ist es wichtig, Holz in hochwertiger Qualität bei optimalen Bedingungen zu verarbeiten. Holz wächst in nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft und darauf wird schon seit vielen Generationen vertraut. Es ist ein lebendiger Werkstoff, der durch seine natürliche Anmutung und seine einmalige schöne Optik besticht. Holz wächst in unseren heimischen Wäldern und kann ressourcenoptimiert verwertet werden.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Brokers/ traders
Großhandel mit und Vermittlung von heimischem Schnittholz. Exporte: Italien, Deutschland, Ungarn.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 11-20 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
Wir sind ein kleines Unternehmen das im Herzen Österreichs liegt und sich mit der Bearbeitung von Holz, dem Transport von Holz und der Energiegewinnung aus Holz beschäftigt.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 6-10 employees
  • Activities :
    Cooperative of forest owners
Der Wald unser Leben!
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 51-100 employees
  • Activities :
    Manufacturer of glued beams - trusses
Aus den Wurzeln eines Familienunternehmes mit enger Verbundenheit zur Region, wuchs der Mühlviertler Traditionsbetrieb Handlos. Hier entsteht seit über 200 Jahren erstklassiges Rohmaterial aus Holz. Durch modernste Fertigungsmethoden, die exzellente Ausstattung am neuesten Stand der Technik, einem hohen Qualitätsstandard der Produkte und bestens ausgebildete MitarbeiterInnen, sorgen wir seit Anbeginn für die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden und Kundinnen. Als familiengeführtes Unternehmen denken und entscheiden wir langfristig. So wollen wir auch in Zukunft neue Maßstäbe für ein Leben im Einklang mit Fortschritt und Natur setzen.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 201-500 employees
  • Activities :
    Forest harvester - logging contractor
    • PEFC FSC ISO 9000 ISO 14000
Home of Services - Holzernte, Forstpflege, Holzhandel, Forstwegebau
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Wood exporters
    • PEFC FSC
VALASAHA supplies a wide range of products including roundwood, sawn and structural timber, packaging timber, veneer and wood-based panels.
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Plywood producer
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Flooring wholesale
Wir suchen ganzjährig Eichen Rund- und Schnittholz für den asiatischen Raum in ganz Europa. Qualität: F/A/B/C/D Menge: unbegrenzt We are searching for oak logs and lumber all year round in Europe for Asia. Quality: F/A/B/C/D Quantity: limitless
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 6-10 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Brokers/ traders
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Brokers/ traders
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Forest harvester - logging contractor
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 21-50 employees
  • Activities :
    Cabinet maker / joinery small shop
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Softwood sawmills
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 1-5 employees
  • Activities :
    Woodland owners
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
Trust rating
  • 6-10 employees
  • Activities :
    Forest harvester - logging contractor
    • ISPM 15
 Reply rate:
 Reply rate:
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
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