Standing timber: Auction season kicks off in France

Statistics calculated by Fordaq. The price estimates are based on data referring to lots where the main wood species represents more than 90% of the total volume
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The autumn auctions of standing timber started in France on September 6, in Audun le Roman (Lorraine). The first auction of this season offered a volume of 79,200 m3 of standing timber, consisting mainly of beech, some oak and other hardwoods.

Even if a lot of participants attended the sale to take the pulse of the market at this season’s debut, there were only 17 buyers which shared the 51 wood lots sold.

A decline in ONF’s withdrawal prices was noticed at the 23 items which were withdrawn from the sale.

The average price for lots comprising more than 90% beech reached 30.29 euro/m3.

Two days later, in Joinville (Champagne Ardenne), 46,262 m3 of standing timber (oak, beech and other hardwoods) were auctioned.

Oak prices in Joinville

Average volume < 1.0 m3: 52.21 euro/m3
Average volume between 1 and 1.5 m3: 65.49 euro/m3
Average volume between 1.5 and 2 m3: 68.87 euro/m3
Average volume between 2 and 3 m3: 127.74 euro/m3
Average volume > 3m3: 182.58 euro/m3

In the following auction, held at Neufchâteau (Lorraine) on September 9, there were 24,957 m3 of beech, 8,742 m3 of oak and 3,072 m3 of other hardwoods on offer.

Unsold timber reached almost 50% of the total volume.

For beech, the average price was 35.05 euro/m3 for an average volume of 1.26 m3 per tree, while the average price for oak was 100.16 euro/m3 (average volume of 1.31 m3 per tree).

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