Product |
Plywood type | Flexible Plywood |
Type of species - inner plies - alternate plies | Asian Hardwood |
Species - inner plies - alternate plies | Keruing |
Specifications |
Volume | 1 - 20 20'Container Spot - 1 time Convert |
Thickness | 4.6 mm Convert |
Width | 1220 mm Convert |
Length | 2440 mm Convert |
Glue | MR (E1, E2); WBP |
Class | A |
Quality standard - norm - type - compliance requirements | Formaldehyde Emission Standards E1; E2 |
Description |
Flexible Plywood is composed of layers of thin plies. The special construction of particular species of veneers gives it a large degree of flexibility, offers a most effective way to produce rounded columns and multi-curved structures
Contact us now for more information and price details. We are looking forward to doing business with you! |
Price & Conditions |
Price | On demand EUR per m3 Convert |
Sells to: | Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Bahrain, Laos, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Bhutan, Macau, Malaysia, British Indian O. T., Maldives, Brunei, Cambodia, Mongolia, China, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Singapore, Europe, North America, Philippines, South America, Oceania, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, East Timor, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Armenia, Yemen, Hong Kong, Burma, Indonesia, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, North, Korea, South, Azerbaijan |
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